Become a Member!

Anyone with or without prior EMS experience is welcome to apply at GBAC! We are currently looking for highly motivated individuals who would like to make a difference and volunteer to serve the community.

For more information on how to become a volunteer please contact

All volunteer members at GBAC go through an orientation. Once orientation is completed, Provisional members go through a training period which lasts approximately 4-6 months. During that period, they will have the opportunity to assist with providing patient care and learn about the world of Emergency Medical Services. While on a call, provisional members will work under the supervision of a Preceptor.

GBAC members work in crews that are on-duty for a specified period of time, usually 5 – 6 hours, and are expected to be at the Corps Room and ready to respond to a call during their shift. Members are expected to fulfill 12 hours of duty per month, attend monthly meetings and required training events.

Upon a provisional’s completion their required training period, Provisional Member can go on to continue training for any of following the positions:

  •  Driver
  •  Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B)
  •  EMT- Intermediate (AEMT-I)
  •  EMT- Critical Care Technician (AEMT-CC)
  •  EMT- Paramedic (AEMT-P)

Download our Membership Application Today!

Membership Application

Please return the completed 3 page form and questionnaire to GBAC

with the membership application in a SEPARATE ENVELOPE from the questionnaire.